School Transport System


  • The school provides transport facility to its students to certain routes. Parents are requested to cooperate as it will not be possible to cater to individual requirements. Parents are requested to ensure the following:-
  • In case of withdrawal of the bus facility, a written application must be submitted in advance to the school. Failing which the bus fee will be levied accordingly.
  • Students should not move around, play or do any mischief in the school bus. Unruly and indiscipline behavior in the bus will lead to debarring the students of availing this facility.
  • Intentional vandalism such as defacing the interior of the bus, breaking of the window panes, tearing of or cutting of seat cover or any other offence will result in a heavy penalty and expulsion from the facility.
  • Students are not allowed to change their bus route under any circumstances, e.g. for visiting their friends or relative or for any other reason. No child will be allowed to get down from the bus other than the specified bus stop. Parents are requested to pickup their children from the bus stops as soon as the child safely gets down at the bus stop.
  • Please note that no child will be allowed to go out of the school gate unless escorted by a parent that too not allowed without out-pass which will be issued to a parent after verification as per school norms.
  • Advance information in writing must be sent in case the child comes in the bus to the school in the morning but does not intend to use it to go back home on a particular day.
  • Any child taken by the Parent/Guardian on outpass will inform their respective bus driver that the child has been taken by him/her.
Note:- Bus fare in subject to change. The school does not take responsibility for any private transport.