Rules & Regulations



ADMISSION: The school admits students from Nursery to 9th and XI class. Admission takes place in the month of March every year. All students seeking admission to various classes are required to get their names registered in the month of December every year. The new session starts in the Month of March. e-Punjab certificate & aadhaar is mandatory along with Transfer Certificate for children seeking admission for classes first onwards.
WITHDRAWAL: A clear one month's notice is to be given when a student is to be withdrawn. Transfer certificate of withdrawal cases will be issued only on clearance of all school dues.
RE-ADMISSION : If the name of a student is struck off for non-payment of fees due to his/her absence without leave for one month, his/her re-admission entirely depends on the discretion of the Principal. If re-admission is allowed the child will have to pay re-admission charges same as the other new admissions.
REGISTRATION:Admission will be given to only those candidates whose names have been registered with the school.
AGE LIMIT:Minimum age required for admission in nursery is 3years as on 1st january.
ENTRANCE TEST:Students seeking admission (other than nursery to I)are required to sit for entrance test on the dates and timings notified the school.The students will be admitted to the class for which he/she is found eligible based on the entrance test.

  • Silence is to be maintained in the library and its reading room. Books issued are to be properly looked after and returned on the due date.
  • All the students of the school are members of the library.
  • A student can borrow only one book at a time.
  • Reference books will not be issued.
  • If the book is not returned on the expiry of the period of issue, a fine of Rs. 1/- per day of delay will be charged.
  • Any marking, underlining or defacing of books by any means are strictly forbidden. Fine shall be imposed for any violations.
  • A student is not allowed to take his/her personal books or bag in the library. Note books can be allowed with the permission of the librarian.

  • Ordinarily no leave is granted except in case of sudden illness or unavoidable circumstances. Application for leave must be recommended and signed by the parents/ guardian. If a student absents himself/herself for more than ten days without prior sanction of leave application, his/her name may be struck off the school rolls. Re-admission in such cases will entirely depend on the discretion of the Principal on fresh payment of admission fee.
  • An application of leave duly signed by the parents recommended by the class teacher & sanctioned by the Principal will be considered as 'Leave'.
  • No leave is permitted during the examinations, except in medical cases which must be informed, prior to commencement of examinations.
  • Leave for mere social functions is not recommended as it hampers the child's progress in school and minimizes the interest for regular work.

  • Self driven vehicles except cycle are not allowed to students up to X standard.
  • Ensure that your child does not bring any valuable articles to the school as in case of loss or damage, school is not responsible.
  • Silver/Gold/Diamond jewelry, facial make up, nail art, application of mehndi & tattoo is strictly prohibited in the school.
  • Must inform the school if there is any change in your address or telephone number.
  • No gifts/sweets are to be sent for the staff members of the school.
  • Parents should spend quality time with their children.
  • A school is always judged by the conduct of the students. So they must behave in a elegant manner wherever they go.
  • Bringing mobile phones to the school is not allowed. If a student is caught with mobile phone in the school campus, parents can get it back from the Principal after one month only.
  • Like all working days of the school, it is compulsory for every student to wear school uniform on all PTMs and school's special occasions like Barsi and Annual Day.
  • A student will be punished as per school norms if found guilty in any kind of fight inside or outside the school or violating the school rules and regulations or damaging the school property.
  • Wandering of students is not allowed in school uniform after school.
  • It is mandatory for parents to attend all the PTMs
  • NO SHORT LEAVES will be granted to the student(s) of VI to XII standard during school hours. In case of illness, family function or any other urgency at home, student(s) must not come to the school. In case of unavoidable circumstances only parent(s) or guardian with valid ID proof (Aadhar Card of student and himself/herself) will be allowed to take the ward(s) with the permission of the Principal.
  • Kindly give a message at Phone No. 01672-280065 or to the class Incharge along with a written confirmation in the student diary if you want a permission for any change in the scheduled bus trip of the student.
  • Students are advised to take care of school property.
  • Every student must carry school diary with him/her.
  • Children must be in their respective classrooms at least ten minutes before the time fixed for their classes to commence. The warning bell before the class is a signal for all to go for Assembly or to their respective classroom.
  • All should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed.
  • No pupil should bring razor, blades or any sharp instrument to school.
  • No books (other than text or Library books), magazines may be brought to school without the Principal's permission.
  • All letters and correspondence addressed to pupils are subject to the scrutiny of the Principal.

The academic progress of the students will be assessed through quarterly examinations as follows:
  • Unit Test I in the month of Nay.
  • Half Yearly Exams in the month of September.
  • Unit Test II in the month of December.
  • Annual Exams in the month of February.
  • A student must obtain 50% marks in aggregate and atleast 40% marks in each subject for getting promoted to next class.
  • A student who is irregular in class work and has less than 75% attendance in or found guilty of gross misconduct will not be allowed to sit for Annual Examination.
  • A student who absents himself/herself from examinations, without any valid reason, shall be considered to have failed in the examinations, except in case of illness producing medical certificate in support of medical leave prior to commencement of examinations to the satisfaction of the Principal.
  • It is the sole discretion of the Principal to allow a repeater to continue his/her studies in the school.